KOREAN 사이트맵 열기

Korea Forest Service

- You can see detailed lists of species by clicking the number of nationally protected species designated by the the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Cultural Heritage Administration, and Korea Forest Service.
- Click “Download List” to download the entire list of the nationally protected species of each institution. You can check which species are designated under multiple institutions.

Download List
Ministry of Environment

Endangered wildlife species

267 species
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

83 species
Cultural Heritage Administration

Natural monuments (animals, plants)

461 species
Korea Forest Service

Rare and special plants

931 species
Download List (Rare Plants)
희귀식물 종목록 - 희귀식물,멸종(EX),야생멸종(EW),멸종위기종(CR),위기종(EN),취약종(VU),약관심종(NT),자료부족종(DD) 제공 표
Rare Plants EX (Extinct) EW (Extinct in the wild) CR (Critically endangered) EN (Endangered) VU (Vulnerable) NT (Near threatened) DD (Data deficient)
571 species 0 species 4 species 145 species 123 species 119 species 70 species 112 species
Download List (Special Plants)
특산식물 종목록 - 특산식물,한라산,지리산,백두산,울릉도,금강산,설악산,서울,백양산,광릉,낭림산,군자산,속리산,부전고원,관모봉,백운산 제공 표
Special Plants Hallasan Mountain Jirisan Mountain Baekdusan Mountain Ulleungdo Island Geumgangsan Mountain Seoraksan Mountain Seoul Baegyangsang Mountain Gwangneung Nangnimsan Mountain Gunjasan Mountain Gunjasan Mountain Bujeon Plateau Gwanmobong Peak Baegunsan Mountain
360 species 45 species 46 species 42 species 36 species 34 species 23 species 22 species 16 species 16 species 16 species 14 species 14 species 12 species 12 species 12 species

Visit the Korea Forest Service’s database for detailed information.
