KOREAN 사이트맵 열기

Cultural Heritage Administration

- You can see detailed lists of species by clicking the number of nationally protected species designated by the the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Cultural Heritage Administration, and Korea Forest Service.
- Click “Download List” to download the entire list of the nationally protected species of each institution. You can check which species are designated under multiple institutions.

Download List
Ministry of Environment

Endangered wildlife species

267 species
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

83 species
Cultural Heritage Administration

Natural monuments (animals, plants)

461 species
Korea Forest Service

Rare and special plants

931 species
천연기념물 종목록 - 동물,식물,지질·광물,천연보호구역,계 제공 표
Animals Plants Minerals Minerals Total
101 264 85 11 461

Visit the National Heritage Center website for detailed information.
